Role: ✔ Admin, ✖ Accountant, ✖ Budget Owner, ✖ Employee, ✖ Bookkeeper, ✖ Auditor
Changing user access in the Summit dashboard is a breeze for admins. As an admin, you can quickly update the roles of your employees, switching them between 'Employee', 'Admin', 'Accountant', 'Bookkeeper', and 'Auditor'. This flexibility allows you to efficiently manage permissions and ensure everyone has the appropriate access level. Just follow these simple steps to make the changes:
1. Log In: Log into your Summit account and click on ‘Users’ in the Manage section.
2. View Employees: You will see a list of all the employees that have been onboarded in Summit.
3. Change Role: Click on the dropdown next to the 'Role' of the employee whose access you want to change. You can choose from 'Admin', ‘Accountant’, 'Bookkeeper’, or 'Employee'.
4. Update Role: Once you have selected the new role, it will be updated immediately.
And that’s it! You’ve successfully changed the user access.
If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to We're here to help!