Role: ✔ Admin, ✖ Accountant, ✖ Team Manager, ✖ Employee, ✖ Bookkeeper
Here's an easy step-by-step guide on how to offboard an employee from your company:
1. On your Summit dashboard, look for the “Users” option and click on it. It directs you to the employee section.
2. Once you're in the employee section, find the person you need to offboard. You can usually search for their name or scroll through the list. Click on the icon and select “Delete this user”
3. Check for Pending Tasks:
- Resolve Pending Items: Our system will check whether the employee still has any pending items that need to be resolved.
- If there are still things they need to do, take care of them first. Then come back to offboarding the employee.
4. Confirm Offboarding:
- Initiate Deletion: If there are no more tasks to complete, you'll be asked to confirm the offboarding, type the word "DELETE" in capital letters to confirm that you want to offboard the employee.
- Click the 'Delete' button to proceed with offboarding.
Give the system a moment to process the offboarding. It may take a short while.
And that's a wrap! You'll get a notification confirming that the employee has been successfully offboarded! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at We're here to support you!