Role: ✔ Admin
When marking reimbursements as paid, including but not limited to the following scenarios:
- Group reimbursements processed through your payroll.
- Urgent payments for employees who cannot wait until the settlement date.
- Reimbursements already paid offline, in cash, or through alternative methods.
- Payments to specific employees blacklisted by Summit Payment Partners or for undisclosed reasons.
Follow these steps:
- Initiate the payment to the employee using your preferred method.
- Return to the Summit Reimbursement page immediately after the payment.
- Locate the reimbursement and open the Reimbursement Details.
- Click "Mark as Paid" to update the reimbursement status to paid.
- "Mark as Paid" only updates the status; actual payment must be completed first.
- Reimbursements marked as paid won't appear in your Transactions Ledger, as Summit doesn't process payments when using this feature outside the platform.
- If you enable Automated Payout, Urgent reimbursements can still be paid through other channels. Always “Mark as Paid” them before the settlement date to avoid double payment.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to us at We're here to support you!